Do you love…
Fresh mountain air and spectacular alpine views?
Helping care for nature?
Hiking, camping or skiing on the Bogong High Plains and want to give something back?
Meeting new people?
If yes, then think about joining Friends of Bogong!
Annual membership costs $20 for single or family membership and $10 for students.
Parks Victoria requirements
We always welcome new members to the Friends of Bogong but ask that applicants have attended at least one working party before applying .
To participate in a working party Parks Victoria has a number of requirements. All volunteers must;
be registered using their ParkConnect website. Refer
from July 2021, have a Working with Children Check (WWCC). Gaining a WWCC is free of charge for volunteers. Refer
provide evidence of vaccination against Covid19
If you are interested in becoming a member and would like more information or you have questions, you can e-mail us on
If you would like to apply for membership to the Friends of Bogong, please complete the Membership application form below.